Spiritual Support & Soul Care

within the community

Sharing the journey within the “unity of care”

Sharing the journey means to offer spiritual care to those patients, relatives and staff (hospitals/homes) who would like to have someone supporting them during a particular phase in their lives. It is a journey, a relationship between two (or more) equal souls who are experiencing together that really they are deeply connected to and loved by the same Source.

To sit with another person in deep stillness might remind us of the loving presence that seems to flow through all of us from the Source. The person that we are with at the time is always the most important person there is and deserves that we are deeply attentive to whatever is unfolding in them.

Sharing the journey with

The Patient:

  • Time for listening and sharing worries and thoughts (hearing between the lines) in complete confidence
  • ·         Time for spiritual support for people of all faith and none

·         Space to be quiet, meditate, reflect and/or worship

·         Space as a chance to complete unfinished businesses (emotional, psychological, personal businesses)

·         Creative moments with elements of art, music, poetry, storytelling to reflect the person’s life.

·         Sometimes preparing for their own funeral

The Staff:

·         Spiritual and emotional support to deal with own thoughts about death

·         Space to reflect, meditate and centre oneself

·         Support to create the last rite of passage for the person dying

·         Memorial circle for people who died (e.g. once every few month) to reflect and share memories

·         Creating a peaceful space besides medical activities and care

·         Time to discuss and learn how to acknowledge mortality as a part of life.

The Relatives & Friends

Time to talk and grieve

·         Time to offload and regain strength

·         Space to be quiet, meditate, reflect and/or worship

·         Spiritual Counselling during and after times of bereavement and distress

·         Support the search for a deeper meaning and peaceful letting go of a loved one

·         Memorial circle for relatives who died in the hospital and time for sharing afterwards